Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor
Department of Cardiovascular Surgery
H-index: RSCI 10, Scopus 5, Web of Science 5
In 1989 he defended doctoral thesis titled «Clinical Course of the Sinus Node Weakness Syndrome» for an academic degree of Candidate of Medical Sciences. In 1997 he defended Doctoral thesis titled «Electrostimulation Cardiomyoplasty in the Treatment of Patients with Ischemic Heart Disease and Dilated Cardiomyopathy» for an academic degree of Doctor of Medical Sciences with specialization in cardiovascular surgery. Since 1997 he has been working as the leading research worker of the Cardiovascular Surgery Department, Cardiology Research Institute.
Main research area of work is in the field of surgical treatment of patients with coronary artery disease. Implementation into clinical practice of new surgeries of coronary artery bypass grafting on beating heart using «Octopus»-type mechanical stabilizers of own design with personal experience of over 150 surgeries became an essential step of this work.
Shamil D. Akhmedov has been a supervisor of eight candidates of medical sciences who are currently working in medical institutions of Russia and USA.
On numerous occasions, he gave scientific talks at international congresses and symposia: Djakarta (1995, 2007), Rome (2001), Paris (2004), Manila (205, 2015), Seoul (2009), Buenos Aires (2009), Beijing (2010, 2015). He attended a number of essential
- Training course in cardiovascular surgery at the Pitié-Salpêtrière Hospital (Paris, France, 1995)
- 2000: Training course in cardiovascular surgery at the Minneapolis Heart Institute (Minneapolis, MN, USA, 2000)
- A supervisor of the group of medical doctors for training in heart transplant surgery at the Research Institute of Transplantology and Artificial Organs (Moscow, Russia, 2003)
- Heart Transplant Surgery Program at the Heart and Diabetes Center of North
Rhine-Westphalia (Bad Oeynhausen,Nordrhein-Westfalen , Germany, 2004) - Saïd Business School of Oxford University according to educational programme of ISIS Innovation company (2013)
In 2004, Shamil D. Akhmedov was awarded an academic title of Professor in Cardiovascular Surgery. Since 2007, Professor Akhmedov has been a principal investigator of four projects supported by Russian grants in the line of Federal Target Programme. These works were associated with clinical use of stem cells for the treatment of chronic heart failure. The project focusing on creation of collagen matrices, which may be used for production of vascular prostheses of small diameter by the methods of tissue engineering, had been successfully completed. Two grants were focusing on the use of nanotechnologies in medicine. In particular, Shamil D. Akhmedov was a principal investigator of the project supported by grant from the Russian Science Foundation devoted to prospects of using chemically modified carbon nanoparticles for treatment of atherosclerosis. Data obtained in the process of project implementation provided the basis for establishing OOO Nanocor company, which became Skolkovo resident in 2011.
From 2004 to 2016, Shamil D. Akhmedov was a principal investigator for the
In 2015, he organized the international consortium called
The aim of establishing the consortium is the development of new biomedical technologies aimed at diagnostics and treatment of human diseases, development of domestic demand and export of biotech products, and creation of the engineering and manufacturing basis for formation of new industrial biotechnology sectors.
Research Interests
- Surgical treatment of coronary artery disease in patients with diabetes mellitus; nanotechnologies for treatment of atherosclerosis, cell technologies for creation of artificial organs and tissues from matrix scaffolds.
- Membership
- Member of the European, Asian, and Russia Associations of Cardiac Surgeons
- Member of Senatus Academicus and Dissertation Counsel at Cardiology Research Institute of Tomsk NRMC
- Research Expert of Biomedical Cluster «Skolkovo» (2011)
- Diploma from the Foundation for Assistance of Domestic Medicine by the Presidium of Russian Academy of Sciences in the nomination of «Clinical Medicine» (2006)
- Certificate of Merit from the Russian Academy of Sciences for his productive work on the development of medical science and healthcare (2009)
- Letter of Appreciation from the Governor of the Tomsk Region for his great contribution to the development of medical science and practical healthcare (2015)
- Shamil D. Akhmedov is the author of more than 200 scientific papers including two books, four chapters in foreign and Russian books, and methodological recommendations of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation. He is an author of nine patents of inventions.
Akhmedov Sh.D., Afanasyev S.A., Beshchasna N., Trusova M., Stepanov I.V., Rebenkova M.S., Poletykina E., Vecherskiy Yu.Yu., Tverdokhlebov S., Bolbasov E., Balakin S., Opitz J., Ermakov A., Kozlov B.N. Effect of Chemically Modified Carbon-Coated Iron Nanoparticles on the Structure of Human Atherosclerotic Plaques Ex Vivo and on Adipose Tissue in Chronic Experiment In Vivo. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 2022;23(15):1-12.
Uvarov A.A., Lezhnina I.A., Overchuk K.V., Starchak A.S., Akhmedov Sh.D., Larioshina I.A. Study of the properties of plessey's electrocardiographic capacitive electrodes for portable systems. Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2016;671(1):1-4.
Efimova N.Yu., Chernov V.I., Efimova I.Yu., Akhmedov Sh.D., Lishmanov Y.B. Use of 99mTc-HMPAO in evaluating the results of cerebral hypoperfusion prevention in the patients with coronary heart disease after coronary artery bypass grafting. Advanced Materials Research 2015;1084:506-510.
Lishmanov Y.B., Efimova N.Yu., Chernov V.I., Efimova I.Yu., Akhmedov Sh.D. Possibility of using 99mTc-HMPAO in estimating long-term prognosis of cerebral complications of coronary artery bypass graft. Advanced Materials Research 2015;1084:438-442.
# 9,789,134 Agent For Selective Adjustment Of Blood Lipids. Карпов Р.С.,Ахмедов Ш.Д.,Афанасьев С.А.,Филимонов В.Д.,Постников П.С.,Трусова М.Е. 2017-10-17