Department for Research and Training Coordination

Team comprises 16 members who are working on the following tasks:

  • Coordination, consulting, instructional, organizational, and informational support; expertise of evidence-based approach, monitoring and compliance assessment of projects in the field of scientific and academic activities of Cardiology Research Institute. Registration of the results of scientific, R&D, and technological works within the united information-based data.
  • Monitoring of scientometric indicators of Cardiology Research Institute, researchers, and scientific journals in the areas of interest of the employees.
  • Patenting and licensing of unpublished scientific and technological achievements; registration of inventions and innovations.
  • Information support of the target groups regarding conduction and results of scientific, educational, and editorial-and-publishing projects; propaganda of the achievements made by Cardiology Research Institute; Informational support of the website.
  • Coordination of international collaboration of Cardiology Research Institute.
  • Technical expertise and organization of research expertise for completed research works submitted for defense to the Dissertation Council of Cardiology Research Institute.
  • Editorial Board and publishing the peer-reviewed science-and-practice journal of Cardiology Research Institute (Siberian Medical Journal), book series of Cardiology Research Institute, proceedings of the materials and programs of the conferences.
Doctor of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor