Candidate of Medical Sciences
Department of Cardiology No. 1
H-index: RSCI 7, Scopus 1, Web of Science 1
Ludman Peter, Zeymer Uwe, Danchin Nicolas, Kala Petr, Laroche Cécile, Sadeghi Masoumeh, Caporale Roberto, Shaheen Sameh Mohamed, Legutko Jacek, Iakobishvili Zaza, Alhabib Khalid F., Motovska Zuzana, Studencan Martin, Mimoso Jorge, Becker David, Alexopoulos Dimitrios, Kereseselidze Zviad, Stojkovic Sinisa, Zelveian Parounak, Goda Artan, Mirrakhimov Erkin, Bajraktari Gani, Farhan Hasan Ali, Šerpytis Pranas, Raungaard Bent, Marandi Toomas, Moore Alice May, Quinn Martin, Karjalainen Pasi Paavo, Tatu-Chitoiu Gabriel, Gale Chris P., Maggioni Aldo P., Weidinger Franz, Демьянов С.В., Рябов В.В., Сыркина А.Г. Care of patients with ST-elevation myocardial infarction: an international analysis of quality indicators in the acute coronary syndrome STEMI Registry of the EURObservational Research Programme and ACVC and EAPCI Associations of the European Society of Cardiology in 11 462 patients. European Heart Journal: Acute Cardiovascular Care 2023;12(1):22-37.
Zeymer Uwe, Ludman Peter, Danchin Nicolas, Kala Petr, Laroche Ce´ cile, Sadeghi Masoumeh, Caporale Roberto, Shaheen Sameh Mohamed, Legutko Jacek, Lakobsishvili Zaza, Alhabib Khalid F., Motovska Zuzana, Studencan Martin, Mimoso Jorge, Becker David, Alexopoulos Dimitrios, Kereseselidze Zviad, Stojkovic Sinisa, Zelveian Parounak, Goda Artan, Mirrakhimov Erkin, Bajraktari Gani, Al-Farhan Hasan, Serpytis Pranas, Raungaard Bent, Marandi Toomas, Moore Alice May, Quinn Martin, Karjalainen Pasi Paavo, Tatu-Chitolu Gabriel, Gale Chris P., Maggioni Aldo P., Weidinger Franz, Ryabov V., Syrkina A., Demianov S. Reperfusion therapies and in-hospital outcomes for ST-elevationmyocardial infarction in Europe: the ACVC-EAPCI EORP STEMI Registry of the European Society of Cardiology. European Heart Journal 2021; :4 536-4 549.
Столяров В.А., Баев А.Е., Демьянов С.В. Различия в размере поражения между правой коронарной и огибающей ветвью левой коронарной артерии у реперфузированных больных с нижним инфарктом миокарда с подъемом сегмента ST. East European Scientific Journal 2018;30(2):70-74.