Doctor of Medical Sciences
Department of Cardiovascular Surgery
H-index: RSCI 12, Scopus 8, Web of Science 9
Панфилов Д.С., Козлов Б.Н. Partial aortic arch replacement without circulatory arrest: A case study. Perfusion 2023;38(4):681-683.
Панфилов Д.С., Козлов Б.Н. Frozen elephant trunk technique to treat extensive thoracic aortic mural thrombus. International Journal of Angiology 2023;32(2):140-142.
Муслимова Э.Ф., Реброва Т.Ю., Кондратьева Д.С., Корепанов В.А., Сондуев Э.Л., Козлов Б.Н., Афанасьев С.А. Expression of the β1-adrenergic receptor (ADRB1) gene in the myocardium and β-adrenergic reactivity of the body in patients with a history of myocardium infraction. GENE 2022;844:1-7.
Lenivtceva I., Panfilov D.S., Kopanitsa G., Kozlov B.N. Aortic Risks Prediction Models after Cardiac Surgeries Using Integrated Data. Journal of Personalized Medicine 2022;12(4):1-11.
Kozlov B.N., Panfilov D.S. False lumen thrombosis after frozen elephant trunk procedure in acute and chronic aortic dissection. Journal of Cardiovascular Surgery 2022;63(2):195-201.
Akhmedov Sh.D., Afanasyev S.A., Beshchasna N., Trusova M., Stepanov I.V., Rebenkova M.S., Poletykina E., Vecherskiy Yu.Yu., Tverdokhlebov S., Bolbasov E., Balakin S., Opitz J., Ermakov A., Kozlov B.N. Effect of Chemically Modified Carbon-Coated Iron Nanoparticles on the Structure of Human Atherosclerotic Plaques Ex Vivo and on Adipose Tissue in Chronic Experiment In Vivo. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 2022;23(15):1-12.
Kamenshchikov N.O., Podoksenov Yu.K., Anfinogenova Y.J., Kozlov B.N., Svirko Yu.S., Pekarskiy S.E., Evtushenko V.V., Lugovsky V.A., Shipulin V.M., Lomivorotov V.V. Nitric oxide delivery during cardiopulmonary bypass reduces acute kidney injury: A randomized trial. The Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery 2022;163(4):1 393-1 403.
Panfilov D.S., Kozlov B.N., Pryakhin A.S., Kopeva K.V. Frozen elephant trunk technique with different proximal landing zone for aortic dissection. Interactive CardioVascular and Thoracic Surgery 2021;33(2):286-292.
Lenivtceva J., Grechishcheva S., Kopanitsa G., Panfilov D., Kozlov B. Predicting the Aortic Aneurysm Postoperative Risks Based on Russian Integrated Data. Studies in health technology and informatics 2021;285:88-93.
Sleptcov A.A., Zarubin A.A., Bogaychuk P.M., Kuznetsov M.S., Kozlov B.N., Nazarenko M.S. Human exome sequence data in support of somatic mosaicism in carotid atherosclerosis. Data in Brief 2021;39:1-6.
Shipulin V.M., Pryakhin A.S., Andreev S.L., Shipulin V.V., Kozlov B.N. Results of reconstructive interventions in patients with ischemic cardiomyopathy. Asian Cardiovascular and Thoracic Annals 2021;29(6):508-517.
Panfilov D.S., Saushkin V.V., Kozlov B.N. Cardiovascular abnormalities in patient with Williams–Beuren syndrome. European Journal of Cardio-Thoracic Surgery 2020;58(1):196-198.
Vechersky Y.Y., Zatolokin V.V., Kozlov B.N., Nenakhova A.A., Shipulin V.M. Enhancement of flow measurement for graft verification. Asian Cardiovascular and Thoracic Annals 2019;27(8):646-651.
Kozlov B.N., Panfilov D.S., Saushkin V.V., Nasrashvili G.G., Kuznetsov M.S., Nenakhova A.A., Shipulin V.M. Distal aortic remodelling after the standard and the elongated frozen elephant trunk procedure. Interactive CardioVascular and Thoracic Surgery 2019;29(1):117-123.
Kamenshchikov N.O., Mandel I.A., Podoksenov Yu.K., Svirko Yu.S., Lomivorotov V.V., Mikheev S.L., Kozlov B.N., Shipulin V.M., Nenakhova A.A., Anfinogenova Ya.J. Nitric oxide provides myocardial protection when added to the cardiopulmonary bypass circuit during cardiac surgery: Randomized trial. The Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery 2019;157(6):2 328-2 336.
Romanov A., Pokushalov E., Ponomarev D., Bayramova S., Shabanov V., Losik D., Stenin I., Elesin D., Mikheenko I., Strelnikov A., Sergeevichev D., Kozlov B., Po S.S., Steinberg J.S. Long-term suppression of atrial fibrillation by botulinum toxin injection into epicardial fat pads in patients undergoing cardiac surgery: Three-year follow-up of a randomized study. Heart Rhythm 2019;16(2):172-177.
Kozlov B.N., Panfilov D.S., Ponomarenko I.V., Miroshnichenko A.G., Nenakhova A.A., Maksimov A.I., Shipulin V.M. The risk of spinal cord injury during the frozen elephant trunk procedure in acute aortic dissection. Interactive CardioVascular and Thoracic Surgery 2018;26(6):972-976.
Shipulin V., Kozlov B., Nasrashvili G., Zatolokin V., Kuznetsov M., Panfilov D., Afanas’ev S. Intraoperative chlorpromazine treatment for prevention of radial artery spasm in aortocoronary bypass grafting. Interactive CardioVascular and Thoracic Surgery 2017;25(3):493-495.
Kozlov B.N., Panfilov D.S., Saushkin V.V., Shipulin V.M. Hybrid treatment of aortic dissection associated with Kommerell’s diverticulum. INTERACTIVE CARDIOVASCULAR AND THORACIC SURGERY 2016;22(6):854-855.