H-index: RSCI 13, Scopus 12, Web of Science 10
+7 (903) 951 26 76
About the Department
The team comprises 36 members including two doctors of medical sciences, one professor, 12 candidates of medical sciences, and eight high level certificate physicians. Members of the department published six books, over 450 scientific articles in the leading journals on nuclear medicine; over 500 reports were delivered at conferences and meetings; 15 patents of inventions of the Russian Federation were received.
Main areas of scientific research
Research and development of state-
The following methods were developed: the method of functional assessment of the cerebral blood flow with adenosine test; integrated methods of radiology diagnostics and evaluation of the severity of atherosclerosis of carotid, coronary, and renal arteries, aortic atherosclerosis; methods of quantitative calculation of the severity of injury in the tissues and volumetric tissue blood flow for magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and emission tomography; state-
For the first time in a national clinic, the employees of the department widely used the methods of computational alignment of different diagnostic images.
The members of the department actively collaborate with the colleagues from Siberian State Medical University, National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University, and Tomsk University of Control Systems and Radioelectronics (over 20 joint articles and three inventions).
Leading researchers of the department are the members of editorial councils and boards of the following journals: Terapevt (Therapist), Meditsinskaya Vizualizatsiya (Medical Imaging), Russian Electronic Journal of Radiology; European Society of Magnetic Resonance in Biology and Medicine (ESMRMB).
Practical activities
Annually, patients of the clinic of Cardiology Research Institute and ambulatory patients receive over 13,000 diagnostic examinations including over 5,000 of studies in tomography regime.