H-index: RSCI 13, Scopus 4, Web of Science 4
+7 (3822) 55 72 30
About the Department
The team comprises 18 members including one doctor of medical sciences, five candidates of medical sciences, and three high level certificate physicians. During the time of the department operation, employees defended three dissertations for degree of doctor of medical sciences and 13 dissertations for degree of candidate of medical sciences. Over 560 scientific works including 149 articles in peer-reviewed journals, six books, and two manuals were published; 18 patents of inventions of the Russian Federation and three software program patents were received.
Main areas of scientific research
The study of cardiac remodeling in the process of progressing heart failure in natural course of some diseases and the investigation of early postoperative cardiac remodeling in children with congenital heart diseases.
The integral parameters quantitatively characterizing remodeling of the left ventricle have been identified.
In a framework of collaboration with other scientific departments, the work on various scientific topics of the institute is ongoing. The following methods are performed: echocardiography to the children with the single ventricle and ultrasonic study of the heart, kidneys, and renal blood flow before transcatheter renal denervation for treatment of resistant hypertension; evaluation of the myocardial dyssynchrony in patients with severe heart failure before cardiac resynchronization therapy.
Considering fast implementation of high technologies into clinical practice to provide care for patients with cardiovascular diseases, the best automated workstations for physicians specializing in ultrasonic diagnostics have been developed and implemented in practical activities of the institute and some other institutions. The use of a single network database in the work allowed to intensify the activities of the department and to increase work performance along with an increase in the quality of studies, medical documentation systematization in electronic format, and capabilities of vide material storage.
Three-dimensional echocardiography and topical ultrasonic diagnostics of congenital heart diseases in unborn babies have been mastered and implemented in science and practice.
Practical activities
Ultrasonic methods of diagnostics and functional stress tests are of priority in the work of the department. These methods are universal and affordable and allow to non-invasively assess anatomy and function of the cardiovascular system. They represent mandatory ‘gate-keepers’ before further high-tech assistance to cardiac patients.
During a year, nearly 90,000 of various studies are performed where 1/3 of them are echocardiography studies. Based on practical need, new methodological approaches for diagnostics are developed; state-of-the-art technologies are implemented into practical work including that in children of early age.
The help to practical healthcare is provided routinely. Annually, up to 10,000 studies to ambulatory patients are performed including examination of children of early age and fetal echocardiography detecting congenital heart diseases in unborn babies. Consulting help is provided to patients in hospitals of Tomsk on a regular basis and in emergency situations. Prophylactic examinations for people of working age in Tomsk are performed aimed at primary and secondary prevention of cardiovascular diseases. The regions of Siberia and Far East are visited for selection of patients requiring high-tech medical care.
In a framework of educational activities, employees of the department deliver lectures and practical classes in echocardiography to physicians from health care centers of Tomsk and other regions.
The department is supplied with state-of-the-art equipment: ultrasonic devices of expert and midrange classes, electrocardiographs, and ergometers for stress testing.
Clinical Diagnostic Laboratory
Tatiana E. Suslova, Cand. Sci. (Med.), Leading Research Fellow
Irina V. Kulagina, Cand. Sci. (Med.), Head of the Laboratory
Clinical Diagnostic Laboratory was organized in 1980. The team comprises 35 members including 10 candidates of sciences and seven high level certificate physicians. The employees of the laboratory defended eight dissertations for degree of candidate of sciences and published over 300 works including chapters in three books; 12 patents of inventions of the Russian Federation were received.
Main areas of scientific research
Assessments of the risk of thrombophilic and hemorrhagic abnormalities based on detection of the polymorphisms of genes involved in the regulation of hemostasis system; study of genetic polymorphisms associated with the development of hypertension and allele variants of genes for apolipoproteins and inflammation.
The methodological recommendations ‘Approaches to identification of the mechanisms underlying aggravated course heart failure due to platelet dysfunction in patients with diabetes mellitus’. The methods for quantitative determination of therapeutic substances in biological liquids based on inversion-voltammetric method are implemented.
The studies of intracellular signaling systems in insulin-mediated regulation of functional activity of the cells are ongoing; the specifics of immune regulatory disbalance in hypertension associated with carbohydrate and lipid metabolism abnormalities.
Practical activities
In Clinical Diagnostic Laboratory, over 140 kinds of studies are performed; new high-tech methods of clinical laboratory diagnostics are actively implemented. Since 2002, Clinical Diagnostic Laboratory is involved in the Federal System for External Evaluation of the Quality of Clinical Laboratory Studies. In the laboratory, according to recommendation of the World Health Organization, control over blood coagulation system is provided in case of administration of direct oral anticoagulants. Based on collaboration with the Department of Atherosclerosis and Coronary Artery Disease, since 1993, the Lipid Center is operating to provide control over the use of new hypolipidemic drugs. In Clinical Diagnostic Laboratory, molecular and genetic studies are performed: genetic polymorphisms involved in hemostasis system regulation are determined by the method of polymerase chain reaction. The flow cytometry methods for assessment of functional activity of the cells are implemented.
In Clinical Diagnostic Laboratory, state-of-the-art equipment is available: biochemistry automated analyzer Konеlab 60i, automated coagulometer ACLTOP 700, hematology analyzer ABX Pentra 80, Amnis® flow cytometer FlowSight with visualization, chemiluminescence immunoassay analyzer ‘Access’, multiplex protein analyzer FLEXMAP, analyzer for automated assessment of blood sedimentation rate Roller 20, and others.
The laboratory reached the modern level of work automation due to the implementation of the laboratory information system, which contributed to an increase in the efficacy of work of equipment and personnel as well as provision of access to the results of the studies.