Department of Ambulatory Cardiology

Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor

H-index: RSCI 15, Scopus 9, Web of Science 5

+7 (3822) 56 58 31

About the Department

The department was opened in 1983. The team comprises 45 members including nine doctors of medical sciences, three professors, two doctors of medical sciences, one professor, 5 candidates of medical sciences, and seven high level certificate physicians. Employees of the department defended two dissertations for degree of doctor of medical sciences and seven dissertations for degree of candidate of medical sciences. Over 500 works including four books, methodological recommendations, and two manuals for physicians have been published.

Main areas of scientific research

Long-term monitoring of morbidity, mortality, and lethality from acute coronary catastrophes including acute myocardial infarction and acute coronary insufficiency in the residents of Tomsk. The analysis of the state of medical care for patients with myocardial infarction and the development of recommendations for its improvement.

In 1984, Register of Acute Myocardial Infarction was created. Currently, the information and analytical database of the Register includes information on over 40,000 cases of suspected acute coronary pathology. This program became a basis for conducting a unique study of unstable angina as an acute form of coronary artery diseases in epidemiological aspect. Unparalleled evidence on the prevalence rates, specifics of onset and course of this diseases, clinical manifestations, and short-term and long-term outcomes have been obtained.

The studies on prediction of acute myocardial infarction including that in the most significant socially group of working age are conducted. There are ongoing works on optimization of secondary prevention of cardiac complications in coronary artery disease patients with comorbidities as well as the development of innovative approaches to optimization of management of coronary artery disease patients who underwent coronary revascularization. The works on the evaluation of gene polymorphisms on the development of recurrent myocardial infarction and prognosis of patients who suffered from acute myocardial infarction are performed.

The development of programs on rehabilitation of patients after acute coronary syndrome and cardiac surgeries is ongoing.

The department develops the approaches for an improvement of the results of planned endovascular interventions in the most complicated categories of patients (coronary artery disease with abnormal carbohydrate metabolism, multifocal atherosclerosis). Data show that the presence of multifocal atherosclerosis significantly worsens the results of endovascular interventions and recurrence of angina is associated with stent restenosis in 22% of patients and with the occurrence of new atherosclerotic plagues in coronary arteries in 37% of cases (de novo stenosis). Various regimes of therapy with statins and myocardial cytoprotectors for an improvement of short-term and long-term results of myocardial revascularization in coronary artery disease patients are studied.

Practical activities

The department is a center for delivery of specialized care to patients with cardiovascular diseases at an ambulatory stage. Annually, over 20,000 people receive help here. Along with cardiologists, advisory consultations are provided by cardiac surgeons, pediatric cardiologists, arrhythmologist, lipidologist, and psychotherapist; three functional diagnostics rooms are available allowing to deliver the whole range of diagnostic examinations at ambulatory stage.

Doctor of Medical Sciences
Candidate of Medical Sciences
Candidate of Medical Sciences
Doctor of Medical Sciences
Candidate of Medical Sciences