H-index: RSCI 26, Scopus 22, Web of Science 16
+7 (3822) 55 83 96
About the Department
The department was established in 1980. A founder and the first head was Full Member of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences V. V. Pekarsky. The team of the department comprises 87 members including two doctors of medical sciences, one professor, one full member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 10 candidates of sciences, and one high level certificate physician. Employees of the department defended 12 dissertations for degree of doctor of medical sciences and 37 dissertations for degree of candidate of medical sciences. Over 880 scientific works have been published including 25 books, and 11 book chapters; 35 patents of inventions of the Russian Federation were received.
Main areas of scientific research
The study of specifics of pathogenesis, clinical course, pharmacological therapy, predictors, and prognosis of cardiac arrhythmias. The creation of the Arrhythmia Register to study arrhythmias and their interventional treatment. The development and implementation of new technologies for diagnosis and treatment of cardiac arrhythmias and their complications.
The electrophysiological mechanisms of supraventricular and ventricular arrhythmias have been studied. New methods of diagnostics and surgical treatment of cardiac rhythm disorders were developed and implemented. The effects of non-drug methods of treatment on the course of heart failure in patients with abnormalities of cardiac rhythm and conduction were investigated. The pathogenetic mechanisms were studied and the methods of surgical and interventional treatment of atrial fibrillation were developed. The pathophysiological approaches to correction of heart failure in patients with atrial fibrillation were evaluated. Clinical efficacy of cardiac resynchronization therapy in patients with severe heart failure and life-threatening ventricular arrhythmias was studied.
Practical activities
The Department of Interventional Arrhythmology has a status of the Siberian Federal Arrhythmology Center and delivers the whole range of specialized examination and treatment for various forms of cardiac rhythm and conduction disorders.
The objectives of the Department of Interventional Arrhythmology include training of specialists in the field of interventional arrhythmology and clinical electrophysiology.
The department is equipped with two fully functioning X-ray operating rooms with state- of-the-art devices for performing surgeries aimed at diagnostics and correction of all types of cardiac arrhythmias in adults and children including newborn babies. The state- of-the-art high-tech methods of interventional and surgical treatment with the navigation non-fluoroscopic systems are used. The implantation of electric cardiac pacemakers, cardioverters-defibrillators , and cardiac resynchronization devices manufactured by the leading global producers as well as extraction of non-functional endocardial leads are performed.
The department is designed for 55 beds and is one of the largest arrhythmology clinics in Russia. Annually, 2,000 patients from Tomsk, Tomsk Region, regions of Siberia, Far East, and neighboring countries receive care including 1,500 patients who receive successful surgical interventions for elimination of cardiac arrhythmias. Specialists of the department received training and probation in the largest arrhythmology centers of Russia and European countries.
The team of the department is a Laureate of Tomsk Region Award 2006 in the Field of Science and Education; a Laureate of National Award 2009 «Purple Heart» in the nomination of «Medical Institution of the Year» as «The Best Prevention and Treatment Facility»
The Head of the Department is Professor Sergey V. Popov, Dr. Sci. (Med.), Full Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation.
The Chief of the Department is Dr. Igor G. Plekhanov, Cand. Sci. (Med.).