Department of Emergency Cardiology

Doctor of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor

H-index: RSCI 15, Scopus 10, Web of Science 11

+7 (3822) 55 83 60

About the Department

The department has been opened in 1981, which was the beginning of Clinic of Cardiology Research Institute. The team comprises 84 members including four doctors of medical sciences, seven candidates of medical sciences, and three high level certificate physicians. Employees of the department defended six dissertations for degree of doctor of medical sciences and 32 dissertations for degree of candidate of medical sciences; they published over 400 scientific works including six books and three manuals for medical doctors; they received 14 patents of inventions of the Russian Federation. The Department of Emergency Cardiology was awarded Laureate Diploma of Tomsk Region Competition in the area of Education, Sciences, Healthcare, and Culture for Excellence in the field of Education and Science contributing to recognition of the Tomsk science-and-education complex nationally and worldwide.

Main areas of scientific research

The development and implementation of new methods for treatment and medical technologies of emergency reperfusion therapy into clinical practice in patients with acute coronary syndrome. Clinical approbation of innovative methods of diagnosis and drug treatment for acute coronary insufficiency and heart failure. Study of structural and functional cardiac remodeling, abnormalities in cardiac biomechanics in patients during and after myocardial infarction, search for efficacious approaches to drug and non-drug prevention of post-infarction cardiac remodeling. Study of significance of cellular component of innate immunity system in patients with acute coronary syndrome. Development of the approaches to diagnosis and treatment of myocardial inflammation in patients with acute coronary syndrome in the presence of non-obstructive coronary artery diseases. Study of new markers and assessment of cardiac micro-potentials by using high resolution electrocardiography for early detection of signs of impending sudden cardiac death. Identification of the volatile metabolite profile in the samples of the exhaled breath suggesting of the functional state of patients with acute myocardial infarction. Study of kinetics of the known markers and search for the new serum markers of cardiovascular hemostasis, determination of their analytical parameters aimed at diagnostics and prediction in patients with acute heart failure and coronary insufficiency.

Main research results

For the first time in Russia, the method of prehospital thrombolysis with streptokinase has been developed and implemented. Bolus method was developed and thrombolytic therapy of acute myocardial infarction with new made-in-Russia thrombolytic Fortelysin was clinically approved. The efficacy of this drug was demonstrated compared with foreign-made tissue plasminogen activators. This result allows to solve the task of import substitution for thrombolytic drugs as life-saving medications.

New made-in-Russia express-test for cardiac protein containing lipid acids for diagnosis of myocardial necrosis was clinically approved. High diagnostic value of this test, which was not inferior to standard determination of troponin level, was demonstrated.

New technology for isolation and preparation of stem cells for introduction into the myocardial infarction area aimed at restoration of cardiac muscle contractility was developed. Inefficacy of existing methods for cellular therapy of acute myocardial infarction was shown.

Practical activities

Annually, over 1700 patients with acute coronary syndrome receive world-class high-tech care in the Department of Emergency Cardiology 24 hours per day, 7 days per week.

Together with emergency medical service teams, pharmacoinvasive reperfusion of the myocardium including prehospital thrombolysis and subsequent delayed or life-saving angioplasty or primary percutaneous coronary intervention is provided.

Employees of the department provide consultative help for patients with suspected acute coronary syndrome admitted to other hospitals of the city as well as in a framework of telemedicine consultations.

The department is a regional vascular center, which works in close connection with the primary vascular centers of the region (the cities of Asino, Kolpashevo, and Strezhevoy).

At premises of the department, the Chair of Cardiology of Siberian State Medical University works. Training is provided to medical practitioners of the Tomsk Region and other regions of Russia according to programs of primary professional development, general advanced training, and continuing medical education in specialties of Cardiology, Functional Diagnostics, and Pediatric Cardiology. Many employees of the department combine scientific and clinical work with teaching at this chair.

Candidate of Medical Sciences
Candidate of Medical Sciences
Candidate of Medical Sciences
Candidate of Medical Sciences
Doctor of Medical Sciences